Wednesday, October 6, 2010

New Arrival - Der Dau Dressage Boots!

New and in stock at Bates Tack Shop!

Der Dau Dressage Boots. Why wait for custom boots when we have these ready to go?!?

For more than 50 years Der Dau has counted celebrities, Fortune 100 executives and U.S. Equestrian Team members as fans of its custom boots and shoes.

Still made by hand in the United States, a Der Dau boot is considered by many to be a work of art. And with Joseph Der at the helm, Der Dau boots are becoming famous not only for quality but also for stylish, fashion forward details.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely you have Der Dau there. Mine were custom and came in at $2,800. No better boot.
